Maggie valley June 2019

Testing a locally made sausage in the morning for breakfast. Cranberry apple large link sausage. I'll let ya know if it's good or not.
Poor old @1olbull is scared the Brits might be coming too and show him how to ride the Rocket (X??) properly..

Yeah,well what can ya expect from some danged west coast lawyer or something.?

Do I need to dust off the old suicide shift Harley and get her ready for ya grumps?

Straight up though with all bs aside Steve @1olbull I hope things work out and you could make the run. And @Grumpy Ole Codger if needed I will bring the old paint shaker and ride it myself so you can take my R3T. Been many a moon since I rode the old hand jammer through the hill country. Actually sounds like a lot of fun really. Pretty busy but fun nonetheless.
@BillB , you are the second person, the other being @Steel , to offer the use of their spare/second bike for me to ride at the event and it is a much appreciated and generous offer and very trusting. Okay, so I comment/talk to you guys every week on various topics and have done so for over a year now. It is this sort of generosity and camaraderie that is so heart warming. Unfortunately due to work I cannot commit until next year, January. Permission from wife is granted, permission from homeland security is granted. Now all I need is the crystal ball, batteries fully charged to let me know what is happening at with work contracts!!
OK lets sweeten the pot. How about a completely built 124 cubic inch S%S motor on a Harley Fatboy. Along with everything else. Primary and transmission to match. Yours for the Ride. Not exactly a cookie cutter if you know what i mean. Offer made.
Sonny, now you're trying to spoil me...