Maggie valley June 2019

Y'all remember as it gets closer about half drop out

Just making a PSA by piggybacking on Wendy's post here.

There's a lot of folks in general and several in particular that are going way out of the way to make this potentially one for the record books.

Every body understands that life gets in the way and stuff happens at last minute that has to preclude making a run. Nobody will be sore at you if that happens. We understand.

HOWEVER, if you are just waffling around and thinking something like "I'd like to but there's other stuff to do that's closer to home " or whatever.

Well dumpling, ya need to get that figured out one and make a FIRM commitment one way or the other not much later than 60 days out from D-Day.

There ain't no call for leaving a small group of folks that are busting their humps to pull it off, holding the dirty end of the stick.

I like it when you call me dumpling and talk about the dirty end of my stick