I was thinking there are probably a lot of Rocket owners who are not on this forum, actually what brought me here was a recommendation
from an exhaust supplier that I contact Hans O about a tune. If not for that I would probably not be here.
Perhaps some of these owners who are not yet members may be interested in attending Maggie Valley and or become members.
We could contact our local dealers and send them a link to the ride and ask they forward it to the R3 owners they have on record.
Or even just mention it to some of their customers. In my general area there are three dealers, Quaker City, Martins and Hermy's.
Maybe contact Triumph U.S.A. to see if they wanted to participate in some way, perhaps send a rep, spread the word through their dealers
or to the R3 owners they have on record. As an example I just received a link to the Bonneville Icons tour.
After all how often do this many R3 get together?