Maggie valley June 2019

Because you are rich? Us poor bastards live anywhere we can,
more like because i'm dumb, and figure i'd never see the brats if i can't casually drop in on them unannounced because i 'was in the neighborhood'... strangely they seemed to like me better when they had one of my credit cards (which i took away when they graduated college)...
By the way, most of you didn’t know it but @Old N' Grumpy was in Maggie valley too. He sent me a few pics of himself that I kept on my phone so he would be there........ kinda

Clint...I wish I was there but circumstances dictated otherwise. I have met only 2 or 3 forum members and I really look forward to meeting many more and putting faces to names. Its weird, after years on here I feel like you all are my family and still look forward to logging in everyday.
I hope your not underwhelmed when you do.
Got home about an hour ago. Relatively uneventful except for blowing a trailer tire on I-90 just east of Erie. Peggy was driving and eased over onto the right shoulder where I put the spare on. No idea why it blew. I must have hexed it as I checked the pressure and temperature of the tire and bearing about 30 minutes before. Fortunately we were about 100 yards from an exit and there was a Walmart 3 miles down the road where I bought a new tire and rim.
We had a great time and I'll add more later after a good night's sleep.
Ok true story time. On my way home today while getting gas a man that was on a bike with a sidecar and a trailer came up to me and showed me a picture of the rocket he used to own and told me how much he loved it but couldn't find a decent mechanic. I think alot of us understand that. Anyway he asked my name and if he could pray for me. I said sure my friend I need all the help I can get. He then blessed and prayed for me. We said goodbye and went our ways. Tonight after I got home I was going to meet a friend for dinner at local tavern I frequent. On the way I go through a fourway stop. Today I stopped as usual looked both ways, looked again to the left because the car coming seemed going to fast. Sure enough the woman blew the the intersection at about 30 mph. That blessing may have saved my bacon. So when your out there on the road and you see a guy with a sidecar and a trailer I suggest you get his blessing.
Smart man