Sonny, you are doin great, man!
Since you got those boots, the weather forecast is getting dry from next Friday on through the next week.
So do you have all your luggage watertight?
There must be sumpin else ya can do or buy for rain....then we'll get another day or 2 of starting on Wednesday or Thursday would be great.
Yes there is. Decided not to wash the bike prior to departing for Maggie Valley. If i wash and wax it will rain for sure. If i leave out with a dirty bike it will not rain a drop.
If you would be so kind, since this is my first RAA event, change my +1 to Jamie. She's more important than a number. (Don't tell her I said that, she will get all up-it-ee. ). Thanks
Can't wait to meet you in person. Have a lot of questions to ask about how you built it and all the ins and outs plus pro and cons. Done with the X and upgrades but looking into a 2018 Rocket. Ready yourself for some long conversations. I'll supply the beer for the info