Maggie valley June 2019

I've heard that lemon pledge is good for waterproofing boots.
I think i would rather take a walk in the pasture drunk and slip and slid and sniff that then lemon pledge Oh hell we just did that. Went out for a walk and checked up on the cows.
Safe journeys, everyone !

01 [1] Rainman
02 [2] Stb
03 [3] Joseywales
04 [4] mully95
05 [6] Easttexr111+1
06 [7] Sonny
07 [9] Steel (= 3 mouths) - 2 bikes - 2 peeps
08 [10] Scot in exile
09 [11] warp9.9 [arrived]
10 [13] mexican +?
11 [14] 1K9 [arrived]
12 [17] Tripps,, Dave, and Dan
13 [18] Frosty Rider
14 [20] Dr. D +1
15 [21] Smathersmith
16 [22] Sparkey59
17 [24] Joesmoe + 1
18 [26] Triple Trouble +1?
19 [27] Smathersfish
20 [28] Journeyman28778
21 [30] Billb and Laurel
22 [32] Rocket Scientist,Tow, the Phoenix +1
23 [34] WBaumgartner + 1
24 [36] Bigfoot390 +1
25 [37] Viperman
26 [38] Gr3ywolf
27 [40] 1BigDog + Jean. (sorry Jim)
28 [41] TheKid
29 [42] Alpental
30 [43] Ski
31 [45] Chip +1
32 [46 Tribal
33 [49] Ogre + T and Charlie
34 [51] Speedy and mary
35 [52] Jvheli
36 [54] crzystghndkc + 1
37 [56] TXtriple + 1
38 [57] MaRk3R
39 [58] Cooler
40 [59] Bud
41 [61] doogie + 1=2
42 [62] Google [arrived]
43 [63] Joey Fletcher
44 [65] R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet
45 [66] atlsrt44
46 [68] baggage1 + 1
Last edited:

Now I'll be there Wednesday night. What to do ? Pops, the restaurant attached to the Holiday
has a rotisserie smoker. Hmmmm.
Boots are waterproof as is. Outside is leather but has a built in water barrier on inside of boot. Still breathable and feet do not sweat. That is why i have worn them and walked the pasture to see if there system really works. It does and then some. That is what surprised me about the space cowboy motorcycle boots. Plastic zippers and hard sealed outside no air. Toe rot in no time. Not into that. After six years in the Marine Corps i really do not like wet feet. Can deal with it on a hour ride from work but not going to deal with it on a 12 hour plus ride. $170.00 dollars is well worth the comfort of dry socks. . That and this plus some good rain pants and am good. You all do not get it. Am running no matter what at 3:00 Pm Wednesday. Not leaving the house right after working all night. Going to get some sleep get up and enjoy the living hell out of the next five to seven days. Mother nature can kiss my ass. Taking a extra bag and securing it to back seat for just motorcycle gear. Been watching the weather here and in Maggie Valley for over a week now and have a good idea what is going to be required to be comfortable. Gonna require a good size bag. Hot, cold, dry, and wet. Don't care will have it covered. Am ready.
I got money on you being a no show Sonny. Make me lose it.