Maggie valley June 2019

Dan tells me Monday he needs tires, I told him I'd wait a week before worrying about it. He had to go buy a tire in Stearns, too. SMH....
If you mean a small utility trailer, I confess. The backseat driver informed me yestready that we needed the trailer. After all the modifications to the Rocket and we still need more room....
My backseat driver and I have minimized our packing so that we can go on extended trips.
We stay with friends, relatives or @ motels (no camping anymore, is my backseat driver's rule for me). She used to ride her own bike...that gave us extra saddlebags but that was more than we really needed.

We use the low-side saddlebag for extra clothes. The high-side sidecase for raingear and extra layers. The topcase has our overnighter bag with our immediate necessities. And the nooks and crannies in all the storage has odds and ends like tools, first-aid, coolers, covers, snacks, water, etc.

It's a matter of function over I have multiple T-shirts and underwear? No. One to wear and a couple spares and they are quick-dry. Wash in sink and dry by morning.

So I may look like I'm always wearing the same clothes but they're clean and, for me, THE FRONT SEAT DRIVER'S RULE IS NO TRAILERING.
Andy, I learned a lot from you in Arkansas. That little rope you carry to dry the clothes (clothesline). Smart traveler
Andy, I learned a lot from you in Arkansas. That little rope you carry to dry the clothes (clothesline). Smart traveler
Question, Where do you put the large ice chest cooler? Also, you never can have enough t-shirts...
Question, Where do you put the large ice chest cooler? Also, you never can have enough t-shirts...
When I said "cooler", I'm referring to neck coolers soaking in watertight bag. No ice chest, although I have loaded a saddlebag with ice and drinks a time or two.

T-shirts. Yeah, my closet is full of them. But I leave them home on long journeys. If it's the RIDE not the Destination then I want the ride to be free of dragging a trailer.

What size do you wear? I think I have room for a half dozen or so size large, if I can leave them with you @ MV.