Up in this country there's a pretty fun and challenging ride up Hwy. 209bthrough Hot Springs and back through Newport, Tn to Maggie. Along 25 there's a biker destination called The Barbarosa Saloon on the French Broad river. They are virtually 100% V Twin and when I rode the Viz in there I was reading lips and most said WTF is that. I would pay money to see a fleet of Rockets roll in there for A beer.
Up in this country there's a pretty fun and challenging ride up Hwy. 209bthrough Hot Springs and back through Newport, Tn to Maggie. Along 25 there's a biker destination called The Barbarosa Saloon on the French Broad river. They are virtually 100% V Twin and when I rode the Viz in there I was reading lips and most said WTF is that. I would pay money to see a fleet of Rockets roll in there for A beer.
When I said we would probably come I meant it, but our charity ride for next year is from Key West, Fl to Deadhorse, Ak and the latest I would want to leave is early July so if this slides into July we will be otherwise occupied.