Maggie valley June 2019

Up in this country there's a pretty fun and challenging ride up Hwy. 209bthrough Hot Springs and back through Newport, Tn to Maggie. Along 25 there's a biker destination called The Barbarosa Saloon on the French Broad river. They are virtually 100% V Twin and when I rode the Viz in there I was reading lips and most said WTF is that. I would pay money to see a fleet of Rockets roll in there for A beer.
Remember, folks do not make it home from riding on these roads. No bravado.

When I said we would probably come I meant it, but our charity ride for next year is from Key West, Fl to Deadhorse, Ak and the latest I would want to leave is early July so if this slides into July we will be otherwise occupied.
That is getting to be some list.

Dave and Dan said they're in, too