Maggie valley June 2019

Sonny, I cant stand it no longer!!!!!
Has nobody told you that this whole thread is a setup for you? It’s just a bad joke! There is no Maggie Valley RAA
Now go back to working 7-12’s
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I am so worked up for this it is unreal. Folks at work are like yea we get that your taking a bike run. Wife is like shut up your going to go enough. Leaky Texas was fun and plan on going back this year but this run is a bit further and really excited about not only the miles but meeting up with the people on the east coast. Bike is just about ready. Pocket book is more than ready. Most important I'm ready to roll and have some fun.
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Sonny, I cant stand it no longer!!!!!
Has nobody told you that this whole thread is a setup for you? It’s just a bad joke! There is no Maggie Valley RAA
No go back to working 7-12’s

Dang it, you weren't supposed to say anything till it got closer.
Ain't working. See you all in Maggie Valley. Really looking forward to eating some good food there to. I live on peanut butter sandwiches and Kipper snacks though out the week at work. The idea of walking up and getting some good food just a few feet away from the room makes it even better.
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Oh, and you still think The Outlaw is coming?