Maggie valley June 2019

Am to old to sleep on the pavement but young enough to ride the bike hard. Figured worse come to worse buy a air mattress at wall-mart and call it a night.
Fuc% it am going to kick it. Leave out sometime Wednesday and just ride like there ain't no tomorrow. Need this really in a bad way. Grand daughter loosing her marbles over loosing her foot in a auto crash. Mom died from lung cancer and watched her die. Wife's older brother just got up and died all within a 3 month period. Been keeping my shI5 in one sock but I need to clear my head. Wife and my dad made a comment the other day on to how i was there and gave them 100 percent. Never broke but gave them all support even when all i wanted to do was break down and cry. My shi% bucket is full. Need this. Clean open highway with over a ten hour ride ought to get my shi% back. LET IT RIDE
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Am to old to sleep on the pavement but young enough to ride the bike hard. Figured worse come to worse buy a air mattress at wall-mart and call it a night.
If I arive earlier then planned and can't stay at the holiday and or decide not to sleep in my trailer I'll check with castle wood
Gabbi said they wer clean. And they are closer to the church
Sonny, just a suggestion from my perspective but If I was gonna blast interstate from the west on Wednesday...and my Maggie Valley accommodations start on Thursday...I would shorten that interstate day and stop before reaching Knoxville. That would save well over 100miles off of Wednesday's super slabbing. Then Thursday could be a twisties could ride the Dragon and Moonshiner on the way there on Thursday.
Good grief but it's been one terrible time for your family.. That's what we do, be strong for our families during times of tragedy and duress, all the while keeping it all inside.

I read an article not to long ago that touched on the many reasons why people ride and one was mental therapy. Get on that machine and blow the angst and stress out you brother. Lose it out on the open road and having a great time with your fellow riders.