Maggie valley June 2019

@Tal , don't listen to him, he wants to feed you to the piranhas in his pond!!
It's all that friggin running and exercise! relax, sit and have a beer.
You will be missed. I hope it all works out for you.
Jim sorry about that bro. You and Eli will be missed but hopefully you have no major problems with the heart. Your health is more important and there is always next year
I'm not even going to tell you to put it off. Important stuff like that should be moved forward !!!!! Then you can go on the ride

I'll tell you another secret. If you don't tell him or choose to ignore him. I found it works, although I've been trying to get the doctor to listen for the last 4 years and I think I'm going to have to get a different doctor.

I had severe carpal tunnel. Doc said I needed surgery asap or my hands would atrophy. Every time I rode a bike they would tingle and buzz like hell. I had surgery on both of them and was one of the lucky ones that had 100% success. They've been great since.
Same operation, no luck for me, still have the tingling
I also checked with Eric as he has a land yacht and cooks good also

Yes he does..... we will not go hongry

Glen has the food covered, I will gladly be his souse chef for this event. I know google will be glad to help. Y’all oughta see what Glen did with that rollin smoke wagon today. That mans a solid pro.
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