Maggie valley June 2019

So i finalized my plans to be there i have a room at the Water's edge Motorcourt and intend to ride down on the morning of the 20th then head west on the morning of the 24th to visit family south of Nashville until the morning of the 29th. i'm trying to durm up some folks from around here to go with but......
I have been following this thread and of course i would love to just bowl up on a Rocket and join all you aint gonna happen ...this year!
The brotherhood that shows thru is amazing...and this occurred to me as very relevant..

You’re top notch
Reactions: Tal
I have been following this thread and of course i would love to just bowl up on a Rocket and join all you aint gonna happen ...this year!
The brotherhood that shows thru is amazing...and this occurred to me as very relevant..
Leakey, Texas in October perhaps?
Ive looked at different scenario's...any way i look at' gonna be about 13 hrs flying from'e like to buy a Rocket and just cruise on in....walk in and buy a would know who the hell i was...
Imagine it!...what a buzz!.....
My lady and i are doing a two week trip to the Cook Islands this year in July so thats the spending done and dusted on trips this year.
...and then there is next year to consider..!!
Reactions: Tal
Paul, Your Bride will be included in my prayers, Take the time to take a breath, and reflect that this will just be a small bump in the road. I wish your Bride a speedy recovery.

Tal, decide which gathering you would like to come to and we'll take care of you. The Leakey rally is small and laid back. The Moonshine country rally is exotic. For you, the paradise island country you come from is hard to beat but, riding the Smokey Mountains with speedsters showing you the way on the wrong side of the road is worth it.
So you all know I talked to Joey Fletcher yesterday. He sounded good. Except from what intrest his wifey showed. I think he needs to excersise and get more strength up to ride. Anyway he is still in the list waiting to see if a room pops up. So in the event things don't open up I will bring my bike trailer and trusty cot with mattress. Will see ho strong he gets. He is kind of stubborn so if he puts his mind to it I think he can get strong enough. I'm going to work in getting him a windshield to take some of the wind pressure off him. He doesn't even use a fly screen also got in touch with Google aka Eric to see if he was coming up. Sounded pretty positive. Said he had ti work on getting some tires or bring the vtx. Knowing him it will be both