Maggie valley June 2019

I'm guessing Steve you know the significant's of the pickle. We have a festival in Okemah Oklahoma every year that honors both performers. Sang the song once while drunk at first wife's family reunion. Was never invited back image that.
So fuc&ing ready for this run. Been a real ****t^ year for me but things are looking good. Bike is just about ready. With what i have left to do have plenty of time to do it. May have gone a step or two overboard on the bike but want no Fu5k ups. Run to Maggie Valley then a quick turn around to California and then Leaky Texas. At 61 this month figure might as well tear it up. Loved Leaky Texas and the company but it was a small group. This run really getting excited about. Hope everybody shows up that is saying they will. My offer to anyone for a free bed is still good. So if your having second thoughts forget about it. Just show up. So excited about just getting on the Highway and riding. Then after that meeting up with a few of you all. Then taken my sweet time getting home. Wife has given her blessing on the run with one hitch. No bail money. So i guess i am going to have to behave myself. To a point Ready to roll.
I'm guessing Steve you know the significant's of the pickle. We have a festival in Okemah Oklahoma every year that honors both performers. Sang the song once while drunk at first wife's family reunion. Was never invited back image that.

A couple years ago I walked into Alice's on a saturday afternoon, folks everywhere, singing I got a pickle loud as I could.
When I got up to the counter a pretty young thing was waiting and laughing.
I asked nicely for a huge porter beer. She said, "Coming right up, but what is that song you are murdering?"
My mouth dropped open in astonishment at her ignorance. Before I could say anything the manager, who apparently heard her (I KNOW she heard me) took her by the shoulder and escorted her away. Five minutes later the mgr returned smiling and told me she KNOWS NOW - won't happen again!
My brew was on the house!
After lunch and 45 minutes and a quarter mile later I crashed and burned on way to Jim's @RKTNMYPKT.
Twas the GOOD, the BAD & I was the UGLY!
One step closer. New Avon Cobra Chromes mounted and ready. Went with stock sizes this time. Two items left to do. Tighten up headstock and get a tune.
Tune scheduled for second Saturday in June. Holding back a bit just do not need to brag. Let the dyno results do the talking. Remember was not going for the 200 hp club more or less the 0-140 mph knock your socks off club.
Reactions: Tal
  1. Rainman
  2. Stb
  3. Joseywales
  4. mully95
  5. Easttexr111+1
  6. Sonny
  7. Steel (= 3 mouths) - 2 bikes - 2 peeps
  8. Scot in exile
  9. warp9.9
  10. mexican +?
  11. 1K9
  12. Tripps,, Dave, and Dan
  13. Frosty Rider
  14. Dr. D +1?
  15. Smathersmith
  16. Spatkey59
  17. Rktnmypk 1 Indian, 1 Papoose, extra underwear
  18. Joesmoe + 1
  19. Triple Trouble +1?
  20. Smathersfish
  21. Journeyman28778
  22. Billb and Laurel
  23. Rocket Scientist,Tow, the Phoenix +1
  24. WBaumgartner + 1
  25. Bigfoot390 +1
  26. Viperman
  27. Gr3ywolf
  28. 1BigDog + Jean. (sorry Jim)
  29. TheKid
  30. Alpental
  31. Thewhingnut
  32. Ski
  33. Chip +1
  34. Tribal
  35. Ogre + T
  36. Speedy and Mary
  37. Navigator
  38. Jvheli
  39. crzystghndkc + 1
  40. TXtriple + 1
  41. Cooler
  42. Bud
Last edited:
  1. Rainman
  2. Stb
  3. Joseywales
  4. mully95
  5. Easttexr111+1
  6. Sonny
  7. Steel (= 3 mouths) - 2 bikes - 2 peeps
  8. Scot in exile
  9. warp9.9
  10. mexican +?
  11. 1K9
  12. Tripps,, Dave, and Dan
  13. Frosty Rider
  14. Dr. D +1?
  15. Smathersmith
  16. Spatkey59
  17. Rktnmypk 1 Indian, 1 Papoose, extra underwear
  18. Joesmoe + 1
  19. Triple Trouble +1?
  20. Smathersfish
  21. Journeyman28778
  22. Billb and Laurel
  23. Rocket Scientist,Tow, the Phoenix +1
  24. WBaumgartner + 1
  25. Bigfoot390 +1
  26. Viperman
  27. Gr3ywolf
  28. 1BigDog + Jean. (sorry Jim)
  29. TheKid
  30. Alpental
  31. Thewhingnut
  32. Ski
  33. Chip +1
  34. Tribal
  35. Ogre + T
  36. Speedy and Mary
  37. Navigator
  38. Jvheli
  39. crzystghndkc + 1
  40. TXtriple + 1
  41. MaRk3R