Thanks for the comments all. Cindy and I are gonna slip down to Ensenada, Mexico on the bikes to celebrate our 35th anniversary so we are getting a little riding in, but RAA is gonna hit right in the middle of a big job for a major customer. Unfortunately we need the money to keep the company afloat and the kids fed
Morris, go all the way to Maneadero, is only 12 kilometers south of Ensenada see La Bufadora, brings a lot of memories, when you turn right from Maneadero you will see a cemetery to your left, wave to my dad, it was his final resting place, my family lived there for several years
Morris, go all the way to Maneadero, is only 12 kilometers south of Ensenada see La Bufadora, brings a lot of memories, when you turn right from Maneadero you will see a cemetery to your left, wave to my dad, it was his final resting place, my family lived there for several years
YELLOW TAIL TUNA. Back in the day you could take a boat out for $20.00 dollars and catch enough fish to last a year. Then the night life was fantastic. For $20.00 dollars you could enjoy life"s many wonders. All that and cheap beer. Good place. Don't have a clue what is like today. This was back in the Seventy's