Maggie valley June 2019

Bloody heck! If that was the UK you'd be looking at a lengthy ban plus a large fine plus either/or a possible custodial sentence! The govt. here is obsessed with speed as causing everything from green house gasses to under age sex
So your not Tribal Jim

>double the speed limit That's reckless driving. Here in Texas you'd be Texas Toast. In Texas City you would be in jail.
Im in!
This is not preachy, it’s fact. We are local and nearly avoid that road. Do it and get your shirt or patch if you need that checked off the bucket list but it ain’t the best curvy road in the area. I can show one that makes that look like a straight road. It’s actually to curvy.
,......... We are local.......

Do you know how Wayah Rd is nowadays?
If the pavement is decent, I'd like to do that again. I always like to visit Little Switzerland for rt80 and the 226/226A loop.

And Parkway Rd is another fun one pretty close to MV.