Made the deposit...


.020 Over
Feb 1, 2016
Central Texas
Well I made the deposit on a 13 RIII ABS Touring with 1600 miles.
Will be delivered in the next week or so...
Here is link
2013 Triumph Rocket III Touring ABS - Phantom Black, South Houston TX - -

It has afew xtras, like ipod/speakers and exhaust. Asked if there is pillion backrest, not heard back.
They will be sure tune is correct and put a new battery in it for me.
Said prev owner was older and traded it for a trike. Looks quite clean.

Think its fairly well bought $$..

Opinions? Things I should ask about while it is still at dealership?

Thanks for your help..
I don't think there is anything much to ask since it is basically brand new. Looks really clean. The tune isn't all that important because if you hang around here long enough you will be changing it to a better tune anyways. lol That is if the ECU isn't VIN locked by Triumph.
Looks like a very solid deal for a near mint, late model gem. Maybe you could track down the service records from the seller so you know her brief history a bit better.

Congrats and welcome to the site from New Jersey, Captain.

Enjoy the ride!
Congratulations on your purchase,not even broken yet.Are those D&D mufflers?
Welcome to the net site. The best site. You are going to want to be sure to get the R3T slip tune installed if it isn't already. It will give back about 30 HP. I have loaded it into a couple of my friends R3T and they love it.
Welcome from Australia, nice looking bike, looks like new. But I guess with only 1,600 Miles on the clock it is almost new.....
That's a nice looking bike but you may want to confirm the ABS part. I didn't think the 13s that came to the US had ABS. The 12 and 14s did but they skipped 13. I would hate to see you jump on the binders and find out you didn't have ABS when you swapped ends. Without ABS you have to be very gentle on the rear.
