So GuzziLarry.....welcome to the site. Judging from your logo, you own....owned a Guzzi. I thing RocketLarry would personally be a better choice but then who am I??? :) Glad to have you on board.

Here is a video of the cable lube tool I use. Also picked up some cable specific lube from the local auto shop. Use the lube to flush the cable of any crud every spring.
So GuzziLarry.....welcome to the site. Judging from your logo, you own....owned a Guzzi. I thing RocketLarry would personally be a better choice but then who am I??? :) Glad to have you on board.

Here is a video of the cable lube tool I use. Also picked up some cable specific lube from the local auto shop. Use the lube to flush the cable of any crud every spring.
Gregger, Thanks for sending the video. As for the name, I've been riding longer than the Rocket has been in production. My friends know my name as my longest ride. Again, thank you for the video. ,Lunatic
Hello Larry and welcoem from VA. Gritty season is upon us with winter coming soon. Good luck
fighting idle looking everywhere, don't know everything, you?
Larry it looks like you have a older bike maybe a 06 standard by your avatar. Have you had a updated map installed? there was a idle problem on the older rockets which was corrected with a new map. Since yours is older I can not say whether it has had a new TPS sensor in it or not but I would try a new map to fit you mods if any? and a full ISCV reset. Also I would up the idle in the map software some. Now if by fighting a idle you mean she gets stuck at high idle sometimes and go back to normal after you shut her off, for a little while. Then your in need of a TPS sensor.