I went to bed last night with an ach in heart after hearing the Sad News of his Passing and it is still there this morning.
Pete was Always a joy to have around and we had some memorable times and rides when he came down my neck of the woods to see his parents.
I won't be back in Auss till next Tuesday arvo' so I am guessing I may not be able to see Our Awesome Mate off, I have already asked Bruce to give my condolences to Deb if I can't make it, if I can't can someone please pick me up one those little eulogy thingos they give out at funerals so he can join Cobba RIP in my tank bag top pocket and ride with me when I go away places.
Sorry to hear about Pete's passing...I haven't been around much
To all Pete's family and you guy's that knew him, much love and respect from this side of the world
can someone please pick me up one those little eulogy thingos they give out at funerals so he can join Cobba RIP in my tank bag top pocket and ride with me when I go away places.
one fine idea never thought of that hell of a tribute
Spoke with Les yesterday about having a smallish sticker made in TRIUMPH text saying LUCKY .. black and silver like Pete's Rocket. Just a small one you could put on your helmet .. or bike I guess .. like most of the other Aussies i'm not into badges and patches , but a helmet sticker. Just a thought.
Spoke with Les yesterday about having a smallish sticker made in TRIUMPH text saying LUCKY .. black and silver like Pete's Rocket. Just a small one you could put on your helmet .. or bike I guess .. like most of the other Aussies i'm not into badges and patches , but a helmet sticker. Just a thought.