Lube the splines...

I’m went to insurance broker here in New Brunswick and they got me wawanesa insurance, and I only pay $595 a year full coverage but I also have my house and other vehicles insured with them. But what you are paying is highway robbery!

Wawanesa Insurance​

they gave me too much rates i think i still have their quote in my email somewhere.
Exactly, they want you to bring house, other vehicles etc etc,
they are charging too much on my car so I cant bring car with them along with bike, something like this happened so I didnt go with them.
Their reason for high insurance was #8 not enough full car driver experience
You are in NB, I am in ON

Arent we as Canadian used to this 'highway robbery' ? and if someone speaks up, government freezes their bank account instantly
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LOL anyway I get your point, I stay away from politics specialy on forums. Good luck with your insurance.
Come to Straya, mate. Ay.
About what kind/brand of lube to use on the splines. I see everyone is using high moly grease or paste. As a newbie to Rocket 3's Ive been thinking about trucker's fifth wheel grease. It has a very high pressure rating & contains mega graphite. Has anyone else had this thought?
It could be fine, and if changed enough probably is, but it seems I always hear about the use of high moly, including when I had Beamers. I think it's the universal choice for motorcycles and, despite my tendency to go against the current, given the cost of final drives (I've had two go out) I would go with the consensus on this one.
No skipping slacker, not the way you throw it out of slow twisties constantly.
Youre rear ends aint goin out because of pasties, you are a hooligan rider