Lowering suggestions

Thanks for your reply. Most of the problem for me lies in the width on a Touring of the tank, seat AND the side panels. By having to spread my legs out I obviously lose length. My buddy has an '07 Classic and because it's far narrower I don't have that problem on his bike. Not too concerned about lean angle as this is my long trip bike. I have a '98 Trident for my 66 going on 22 bike which is a blast in the twisties.
Is there a lowering link for the rocket 3 2022 ? or lower suspension?
Is there a lowering link for the rocket 3 2022 ? or lower suspension?
Not that I know of. The GT seat sits a little lower than the R and is transferable. Here's my solution, which I've also found to be more comfortable.....
I am going to do it, but it's not enough. I need 2-3 centimeters lower. It is not so hard to fabricate a link or maybe to use one that for other motorcycle with mono shock
I am going to do it, but it's not enough. I need 2-3 centimeters lower. It is not so hard to fabricate a link or maybe to use one that for other motorcycle with mono shock
You're going to change the rake of the bike if just the rear is lowered, which will affect handling negatively. I actually went to a higher profile tire on the back (Exedra Max) despite my height challenges, for one thing due to increased handling and just live with the added challenge. My inseam is 29 or 30" I'll never flatfoot most bikes, definitely not the Rockets, but I've learned to adapt. The seat does make a difference without affecting clearance or handling.
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Look at Doodle On A Motorcycle

Never alter the ride hight suspension of a motorcycle unless you are an expert in such a task.
If she can ride monsters you can too. Learn how to come to a stop on one foot and only ever one foot. Flat foot low speed stuff is a disaster by nature.
The rocket is already very low.

But if you want, just get a lower set of shocks and drop the forks half an inch in the front. Go any further than the fender will hit the radiator.
Total cost about $600 for a good set of proper shocks. Do not skimp
Where did you sow lower shock for 600$ ? I couldn't find any less then 1500$ with the hydraulic staff
Where did you sow lower shock for 600$ ? I couldn't find any less then 1500$ with the hydraulic staff
Progressive suspention are very nice.
I have them and they come is various sizes and ratings $350 a pop
Stock is a 12.5 so going with a 12 or 11.5 is what you would need. Remember to check your target ride hight and actual length in loaded on your rocket before ordering.

This thread was from 2016 and the 3rd post even told you what to get.

Please all becarefull because there are wires under that fender and going lower than stock can seriously cause issues.

Here is a link
412 Series Shocks | Progressive Suspension

My wife is 5'8" and she can easily ride the rocket ... Lol giggidy
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Progressive suspention are very nice.
I have them and they come is various sizes and ratings $350 a pop
Here is a link
412 Series Shocks | Progressive Suspension

412 is not for rocket 3 2022​

Progressive suspention does not have shock for rocket 3 2022 although they have the photo of the motorcycle at the site
any way how can i use one shock that meant to be in pair on a motorcycle that need just one shock ? it is not the rocket 3 2300 ! The 2500 has just one shock like soft tail and it has hydraulic mechanism to adjust it !
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