Lowering Rocket III Touring

The specifications for the Touring model say that it has 4.1 inches of travel in the rear suspension. If you lower it by 3 inches that leaves just over one inch of total travel before it bottoms out.
Or maybe I'm missing something.
I'm trying to go for 11.5 now so 1 inch less than stock.....we'll see....
get on the bike as you would a horse by stepping up on the foot peg on the left side and then swing your right leg over the bike! EASY!
Step on the left sided foot peg with your left foot and lift yourself up as though mounting a horse. Swing your right leg over the bike and onto the right side foot peg and you're done!
Lowers the bike 35mm about an inch and is for classic and touring
May I get personal and ask your height? We had my wife's bike lowered for her (Fat Boy and she's 5'2") and I found out real quick if you are any type of aggressive in the corners the floorboards bottom out. ...and would you believe HD doesn't put on replaceable rub bars??!?? I digress, with normal or tennis shoes (which I would never ride with but use to move around the garage) I find her a bit too high (I'm 5'10); at least for my comfort... but with my military issued combat boots... no issues. It does sound like you've already adjusted the seat (which is good). My Triumph upgraded seat seemed a bit more narrow and thus easier to mount/dismount and handle.
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Hey Mig. I'm 6ft and 330lbs (yeah a TAD overweight)
Hey Mig. I'm 6ft and 330lbs (yeah a TAD overweight)
DUDE! You've got this!!! It will just take technique. Seems the footboard idea from the left side is the ticket. If installed, take off the passenger backrest as you work it out. If you do go the lowering route, I'd go with @CrzystghndKC 's recommendation.
Looks good
I think I tried that but the issue is not being able to touch ground once I'm on...at some point I will have to stop I guess I'll try again and then yeah @CrzystghndKC shocks seems a good idea.