Thanks for all the info. I am going to put it to good use.Yes I am 77yrs old and still enjoy riding .I think I am going to really like this site.:)

BLess ya Laz...mate i too am vertically challenged and when i purchased my ride I installed the IKON from and rear suspension. It certainly made a significant difference to the ride height, problem is I hated the shocks so decided riding comfortably was worth the compromise in manoeuvring in slow or stationary times.

I'd send you my IKON suspension to see if you liked it but think the transport costs from AUs would be a bit much. if you can find some good lower suspension that'd be your best bet and perhaps a custom lower seat.

Welcome to the site
Great to have you with us Larry. 77! Impressive. I'm (only) 55, have 2 grandkids and retired earlier this year. Now I feel like a spring chicken. Jeez my Dad's only 79 and he has trouble sitting on a stool.

Another option to help you reach the ground is to always carry a 300lb pillion, although I reckon some of the other suggestions might be more to your liking. ;)
First thing to explore should be shaving the seat. It is considerably less intrusive to the ride quality than lowering, lowering the bike will make it ride like crap - less suspension travel, pegs are closer to the road so more scraping etc.

Lots of people peel their seats, take out an inch or so of foam between the seat back and where the foam comes up against it and then put it back together. This gives considerable more leg reach.

Another option might be shaving some off the foam where you legs go when you stand, that might give you a bit more still.

Never tried messing with an R3T seat though, it may be a bigger pain than I think but switching out the seating or shaving the existing seating should be your first stop, in my humble opinion.