Lowered my Touring now I'd like a bit shorter side stand


.060 Over
Sep 2, 2017
Eastern Washington/Idaho border
'13 Rocket 3 Touring,'98 Trident 900,'06 Scrambler
I had my 2013 Touring lowered 1 1/2 inches. Shorter shocks on the rear and new Progressive springs up front. Just wasn't comfortable in slow speed situations. I bought the bike with 2,020 miles on it and now have over 18,000. Lots of close calls in gas station/parking lot/stop light situations. Once the bike was rolling everything was fine. It seems to turn quicker now but I'll adjust to that. Really pleased with the results. Anyway, my question is: Any suggestions for a shorter side stand? It sits up a lot straighter with the stock kick stand than I like. Thanks in advance.
I had a sporster that the stand was to long so (with help) i took a torch and heated red hot and was able to pull the bike to the proper angle. I would make sure that the stand is steel.
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I have a lowered 05, and used my chop saw, and made 3 big cuts on the stand, a bit more than half way through. Put the stand in my vise, with a piece of pipe on the end. Goal was to bend the stand at the cuts, then weld back up. Well, I managed to pull my vise off my workbench, and didn't bend the stand at all. Wound up buying a cheap Harbor Freight hydraulic press, and got her bent, and welded. VERY tough stuff.
Getter done Cooter!
That's good to know, as I was contemplating something like that.