Lower Deflectors for the Rocket

I found these on Cruiser Customizing today that are very similar to mine and were designed to be mounted at a similar height and behind the main screen.

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National Cycle Chrome Switchblade Lower Deflectors- Various Metric Motorcycles

They do help. Yesterday I took a long freeway ride and noticed a cleaner air zone behind the shield. Was wearing a 3/4 Bell 500 helmet. Good enough to get a set for the Valkyrie. The issue with these things mounted on the R3 is the size and looks of the clamps. I was lucky to find a set of clamps in the junk box that came with my used bike.

Thanks for all the posts and ideas here.

I got these and am very happy with result.

I have the Roadster screen fitted at the moment (Spring just started here) and fitted some custom stainless steel lowers but also fitted a Memphis Shades lip (Hot Wings) and side screen extensions ( Side Hot Wings) from Cruiser Customizing that fitted perfectly and gave not only location options but also a clever mounting system that provides two positions so you can have the lip high or low and the side extensions narrower or wider.

They also supply two sets of rubber pads to adjust for thin and thick screens (the Triumph Roadster one is the thicker version.

MEM5805 Memphis Shades Hot Wings For Memphis Fats Windshield 1 $79.95 $79.95
Memphis Shades Hot Wings For Memphis Fats Windshield

MEM5806 Memphis Shades Side Hot Wings For Memphis Shades Fats Windshields 1 $99.95 $99.95
Memphis Shades Side Hot Wings For Memphis Shades Fats Windshields
Here in Texas we eat the Hot Wings

The Harley lowers, although they are designed to be set behind the signal lights, work well on the R3. I also think that they make me a little more visible to oncoming traffic and just look cool. There is a space issue but it works if you relocate the signal lights out a little.

Just came back from a trip to Buffalo, NY where I tried the original Buffalo Wing restaurant, Anchor Bar. Worth the trip to Buffalo. Most people go there to tour Niagara Falls. If you do, make a point to have some of these. There is one in the airport terminal. Best beer in Buffalo NY, Rusty Chain.



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Was perusing some old stuff and found this.
Not sure who did this, but I thought it helpful and saved it.
Perhaps helpful -

Fred drew that design up and shared it and I can tell it works fantastic

1k9 I suggest if you can move them up closer to bottom of windshield they will be more effective