They certainly don't change the side profile view at all. I have the same screen as you and fitted it last week. The previous owner had also made and added some custom brackets to allow a more upright or laid back angled adjustment. I found the wind coming from underneath now blows my beard up whipping my face in my open face helmet so may have to rubber band it or wear a full face helmet until the lowers below arrive.
I actually ended up buying these very similar but pretty expensive ones (with the freight) in the thread quote below from the UK and will see how they go once they have arrived.
When asked the seller said "They need to be drilled to suit your screen brackets."
Click on bottom of quote to expand and view link.
Another option is these stainless steel versions available for UK#50. (Try to ignore the 'over the top' other accessories etc.

)* Postage to Oz is a bit steep at UK#36.50 though.
* I have tried to save your eyes, sense of taste and focal distraction by cropping the photo - view originals in link below at your own risk

2 screen lower deflector/Triumph rocket 3
He sells worldwide so just put the eBay item number in your local eBay browser search. I have been tossing up whether it may be worthwhile to match a Roadster screen I have not fitted yet but with winter on its way here in Canberra it may be an idea.