Loud POPING Sound under fuel Tank


The Hooligan - Just Doing Stuff
Aug 29, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
2020 TFC #385, 2014 R3 Roadster 230hp (BRUTUS)
Hi All,
Whent for a ride today (2010 R3 Roadster) and noticed a loud poping or bang sound from the left hand side of the fuel tank!! This happens when i am going through the gears in between throttle actions.
This has only happened a few times and i am a bit concerned :sad:.
Has anyone had experience with this issue?
I would like to be in the know prior to taking it back to the dealership.
I've experienced that as well - seems to be coming from the air intake.

When my left knee has been touching the end K&N I've felt the vibration to go with the noise - same on my present set up with the ram air.

Doesn't happen that often, & have never got to the bottom of it.
When my Roadster did something similar I found one of the hoses off the charcoal canister under the left side cover. Doesn't do it now.
I have had this aswell and asked the shop to look in to this during last service. They found out that two 0-ring where missing on the intake-side, so the engine was taking in leakage air. This resluts in bang/popping sound. The shop mounted the o-rings and the popping sound has dissapared. :razz:
It sall good now (I hope).
Took it to the dealer this morning, they had a look at it and pluged it in to their tech machine and came back with a clean bill of health (Few!!).
Service Manager reconds they all do it from time to time. I must be puttng alot of fuel through the TB's (Thats just the way i ride).
When i ride with some mates, they call the R3 "the arm stretcher" - Contantly waiting for them to catch up!!!

Thanks all for your input.
Check the throttle body rail isn't loose. A Mate had similar problems when the seals around TB 1 wern't right. The whole rail would wiggle ( should be pretty solid) air would leak in & caused valve damage.( went lean on that cylinder)