Loose mirrors

Buy the universal mirror adapters from newbonneville.com and get Harley mirrors. The plethora of choices is mind blowing. I got normal shorter stem Kuryakyn Magnums. The Touring handlebars are pretty **** wide so you don't really need the gigantic mile-long stems of the originals that, to quote a guy reviewing a Bonneville, stick out like dogs bollocks.

You just tighten the bolt in from below until they're firm, and they don't go anywhere. The mirrors are now almost above my hands and visibility in the huge Magnum ovals is great.
My “upgraded” teardrop mirrors from Triumph keep blowing back at the mirrors themselves when going over 30mph. No adjustment is here. any suggestions?
My “upgraded” teardrop mirrors from Triumph keep blowing back at the mirrors themselves when going over 30mph. No adjustment is here. any suggestions?

Pretty sure they do adjust and tighten at the head socket itself, aren't there two flats for a 7 or 8mm spanner?

Yep, I have a 7 sets in my cupboard. Checked the 'black teardrop' ones, and I'm pretty sure the half dozen pairs of 'chrome teardrops' and half dozen pairs of 'chrome ovals' are identical.

I always love the simple straight-forward fix... ...but how are they at 130? ;-)
Brining this one back. I have the Triumph accessory mirrors and the LH mirror has become loose at he mirror head not the base. This just happened yesterday, the mirror was fine a few weeks ago. Now as I ride at any speed the mirror drops down. I have turned the mirror clockwise 2 or 3 rotations and then back to zero, then counterclockwise 2 or 3 rotations to ne results. There is no way to tighten the mirror with an allen screw or anything else I can see. Any help is greatly appreciated. I really like the mirrors and they look like new so I really do not want to replace them. And I no longer see them in the Triumph accessory catalog online.


  • August 5, 2015 I phone 173.JPG
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Try some of the wife’s finger nail polish on the threads.It will act as a light weight thread lock.
Kuryakyn/New Bonneville/British Customs adapter with Kuryakyn mirrors. They will lock down tight although eventually vibration will loosen but will tighten right back.

The issue with installing Triumph Mirrors is the need to pull them through the friction lock beyond the bottom of the mirror bracket. You need the fixing tool for this (Item #1 & 2) or something comparable. This forces the friction lock to deform grabbing the mirror. Works well for me.
Wow never had a issue. Then again zero to 160 your so far behind it don't matter to me. When you catch up am downshift and let the law bust you
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