Looks small to me...( scale?)

The rocket is better than the this!!

That rear ‘mudguard’ / indicators is horrendous :eek::sick:o_O
And then we have Warp who needs to be strapped in a booster seat :p
He's not the only one :oops: - I am having the devils own job to find anything new (that really floats my boat) that I can flatfoot without resorting to "kinky boots".

@idk - yes I know the new curry burners look nice - but not enough grunt.
Knowing it's the same size bike, essentially the same weight once non-boat anchor exhaust is put on an older model, all this talk makes me chuckle.

Even the rider triangle is nearly the same, with the exception being the bars.

Visual impact really does a lot to sway people's opinions.

I've never liked cruisers, not even a little, so the new sportier appearance suits me, looks like a speed triple grew to Mammoth proportions to me, which I find a positive and more brand aligned choice.

You can now choose between a huge list of standards lol:
Street Triple 765
Speed Triple 1050 (no longer fits in the "super naked" category)
Tiger 800 (xcblabla street model)
Tiger 1200 (xcblablabla street model)
Rocket 3 R
Rocket 3 GT (let's be real, slightly forward controls do not a cruiser make).

If rumors are true of the 2.78 second 0-60, welcome the new performance king. Puts it 3rd or 4th on fastest 0-60 of all time for bikes, and it's the only standard on the top 10. If the traction control is good it'll be achievable by literally anyone with balls.
If you've had a vasectomy, does that count???
He's not the only one :oops: - I am having the devils own job to find anything new (that really floats my boat) that I can flatfoot without resorting to "kinky boots".

@idk - yes I know the new curry burners look nice - but not enough grunt.
Have you tried sitting on any of MV Agusta range? Be i terested on your views.