Looking to buy a R3T, few questions.


Just bear in mind that a Rocket salesperson has the easiest job in the world the only difficulty is in getting a perspective buyer on the saddle.Once this has been achieved the bike is as good as sold because you won't be able to bring yourself to riding the honda home...Enjoy the ride and don't be discouraged by the strange looks people give you as you sit around with a smile as big as texas across your face having just got off your Rocket
Hi I have owned a R3T for two years now the only problems so far are blown head gasket at 250 miles / tyre recall /gear selector recall i have ridden it hard and get good MPG high 30s other wise nothing has fallen off.
Yes do go and have a test ride but not for 5 mine as it well only scare you after a few miles you will get the grin factor then you will have to buy one or buy some thing with four wheels as no other bike will give you the same thrill...
All good advice and recommendations here, Mr. Hoffman.

A few of bad parts and mechanical issues that their failure caused were, as pointed out earlier, substantially worked out by Triumph as they got the beast into the latter half of their '07 production run. I made sure that the "upgrade kit" (a pkg of parts and labor Triumph bundled and generally offered gratis to address fixing the known problems) had been performed on my ride before I purchased her.

Not sure that anyone has mentioned this so far, but the Rocket III takes a bit longer than other big bikes for the valves to seat properly. Therefore, a valve inspection and/or adjustment is called for at approx. 10K miles. Thereafter the valves need only be checked at 20K mile intervals. if the 08'T you're looking at is at approaching, at or beyond the 10K mi mark, you'll want to insure the the valve work has been done. If it has not, I'd suggest you make that a bargaining chip for a slightly better sale price as the work will run you as little as about $200-250 if all of the valves are in tolerance or from $400-$1000+ depending on how many valves are out. Of course, much of this expense will be determined by the quality and honesty of your local dealers, so do some homework on the Triumph dealership network in your area.

I have had an 07' Std, nicely dressed, for just one season, now. For most of the 9,500 mi I put on her she was problem free and an absolute joy. My primary Throttle Position Sensor (a known problem on many earlier R3s) failed late in the year, but Triumph stepped up and payed for the $110 part and I payed for the labor... quite fair since I'm the second owner and the bike was about 18 mos. out of warranty.

There are no viable reasons not to go ahead with your purchase, IMO! You will undoubtedly not regret becoming a Rocket III Captain. We all look forward to congratulating you when do pull the trigger. Resistance is futile!

Enjoy the ride and let us know if you need any further assistance!
Go ahead and buy an R3. You can't help but smile when you roll the throttle. You have no choice because the G's will stretch your mouth from ear to ear.
Thanks to everyone for their input. I pulled the trigger and bought a 2008 Touring with 5200 miles. Didn't get to ride it too much since it was only 22 degrees F.
I liked what I felt when I got on it and can't wait for warm weather.
Now, the mods start, sending the seat out to Mean City Cycles to get moved back further, and more will come.
I'll be scouring the threads and asking a lot of questions about the Rocket. Got to get up to speed on this big monster.
Welcome to the "Miles of Smiles" club and I hope you have an early Spring so you can get on it and go.


07 dtg KAF
11 dtg Dubai
12 dtg Thunderbird'n time

126 dtg Dubai
127 dtg HOME for good!
Congrats and Sayonara to your discretionary income from now on.

"So much chrome ... so little money!" lol