Looking to buy a 08 Classic with Corbin parts installed.... HELP...

So time without the Missus hasn't mellowed you at all then...
No wonder you have such a nasty demeanor.
That's not a haggis farm down there.That's hemorrhoids from years of abuse on a hard seat. Go see a Dr, let him cut those off, then get a comfortable seat, and you might turn into a nicer person.
Well... this bike sold Sat afternoon.... I guess that's what I get for setting on my hands.....
Sorry that you missed the bike Rockets are a funny bike some will stay on the market for months even years and others will go pretty fast, do not fret another will be along soon lets just hope it has a Corbin seat
My fellow Captains talk about me with love and affection as my wife has been in Los Angeles for nearly a month now and I have been living on beans and toast, irn bru, mars bars, revels, scrambled eggs and Haagen Dazs ice cream for I have to get my dairy from somewhere