Looking forward to RAA-West 2020

Looks like i will miss West Virginia, i will be able to take only one vacation next year and it has to be toward the end of the year, what are the dates for this particular event?
I may join as well, specially if i get invited to that fine steak house
Absolutely Lupe, consider it an open invitation any time you can come.
We need to meet in Tulsa sometime and share a meal as well. Used to be a place I loved somewhere around Pine and Sheridan called White River fish market, wonder if it’s still there?
Nope, then, this was out in Montana or Wyoming, but old famous steakhouse
White river is a favorite among Tulsans, even some guys from Enid visit that place every now and then, right @skydog1000 ?
Anytime you are in the neighborhood give me a shout and will make it happen
@skydog1000 , you and I talked about White River last time we met at Sid’s, I forgot!
Ok, let’s go to Tulsa and get some fish. When can you get free?...sunny and 64 Deg this Sunday.
All I'm going to say is that this trip better be awesome....I just gave up my MotoGP VIP pass dreams for next year to make sure we could make it. Anthony has been dealing with my wailing and gnashing of teeth all afternoon....

While that would certainly be just as fantastic as this trip, I suspect the main reason for going is going to retire this winter He's had a horrid year, with all the storm clouds gathering over his prospects for a 2020 season. Pains me to see it slowly happening.

We are doing our calendar for next year at work, looks like I will indeed be free to attend the ride anytime between mid-July and late September. Now just need feedback from other dictating factors.