Looking for Triumph union gloves.

Circumphrance around my knuckles is 9 inches

9" circumference is definitely NOT XL or XXL!!!
I am about 13" circumference and a XL (11-12 metric) glove size.
I've got a set I've worn a few times, they are still like new, I think they are XXL though.

Do you still have these? I've been looking for these everywhere! I'm willing to pay more than retail price

I know this post is a little dated, but Jim I am very proud of you...those pictures are positively politicaly correct...I'm stunned. A perfect opportunity for your more flambouyant side to come out and you were a perfect gentleman. Well done sir
Do you still have these? I've been looking for these everywhere! I'm willing to pay more than retail price
I was honored that I received these gloves from jim,should I decide to pass these on(which I doubt they fit good look good and are comfy)I will let you know
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