Look what followed the nurse home...

Nice......:thumbsup: i saw a whole parade of these heading down the highway to Cape Cod Thursday every one was towing a little trailer.
There's a Can-Am dealer about 10 miles from my house.

You see a lot of older riders on them and the three wheeled wings down here. She looks way too young to be riding one of those!

As to the new R3R; my local dealer has one of those flat black and white ones, plus a gloss red and black R3T. Both are new 2014's.

Rick the wife said WATCH it she's only 34 and loves hers good on nurse rachet about time you broke down and get her something nice:D
Tell her I said Congrats!
I really like the color and look of that one. I don't know much about those things but I like the way that one looks.
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Cindy that Mindy and I said congrats, don't listen to Lupe on this one! He's just jinxed!!!!!;)

My wife is green with envy since hers is broke and she wont be the only one talking Spyders anymore, she wants me to fix hers ASAP or quicker:mad:
Now Cindy is the new queen on 3 wheels:)
:eek:So you have guys all gotsome bug spray ...... what with all these Spiders around :eek:........o_O Oooh........ Whooops!:oops: ..... you guys are talking Spyders not Spiders :D;):roll::roll::roll: