Longhaul touring seat and Rivco risers


.020 Over
Jul 22, 2012
I just got my new 2012 Touring and it came with the longhaul touring seat. I was wondering how many of you have this seat and the Rivco risers, and what you think about the combination. I read one thread by someone who felt that the risers weren't necessary once he put the longhaul seat on. I've always put risers on my bikes because I like sitting back and so I'm considering it.
I had both and sold the seat. I prefer a harder seat and bought a Corbin. In my opinion the risers are a big plus. Very comfortable regardless of which seat you choose.
Got the longhaul on my touring, most comfortable seat I've sat on. Never saw a need for risers on my R32T
Seat and Risers

I have the Long Haul Dual seat and out of the nearly twenty years of touring bikes this is by far the most comfortable seat I've ever experienced. I also added the risers which added more comfort. I wasn't sure I needed the risers and could have lived without them but, now the bike fits me perfectly. It couldn't be more custom made for me. It's amazing what such a little rise and sit back of the bars can do for comfort.
I have the Long Haul Dual seat and out of the nearly twenty years of touring bikes this is by far the most comfortable seat I've ever experienced. I also added the risers which added more comfort. I wasn't sure I needed the risers and could have lived without them but, now the bike fits me perfectly. It couldn't be more custom made for me. It's amazing what such a little rise and sit back of the bars can do for comfort.

I agree. I have both as well. I'm 6'3" and the risers give a comfortable riding position.