Longest Rocket rider, who is it?

I do remember Anthony, one good guy, his brother Michael is also a good man
Great Rocket story Bill!!
no where close to the longest (maybe the oldest tho) anyway got the triclops in '07 when my mom was in the hospital,
then tracked down a sweet little '05 for the ex to ride, she was use to a hardley furgeson and I was tired of riding in third gear so she could keep up.
So I got her a slow red one.....
I bet I got the shortest riding distance/time before totaling a Rocket 3 in just 7.25 miles or about 4 minutes. I get my chance for another six miles on another one in five days.
Loopy's term, "Longest rider" has to mean miles! Buying a Rocket in 2004 and still having it and averaging 1K per year tis nary a long ROCKETMAN!
Miles per year of contiguous ownership is a ROCKETMAN!
I know we have some monster RIDERS with copious yearly mile average.
To start it off, I do fair with 110K Rocket miles since 2012, (12 year average of 9167 miles per year). BUT I know many like "Sonny" have kicked my butt on this .... own your bragging rights . . . Come on!
You are one of the most hard core riders i know, that is for sure!!