Longest Rocket rider, who is it?

67 truck driver, get on it! Quit driving so much. Stud!
How long has "Beauty" been blind?
Billy Boy,
Rocket 3's were not around when I was 50. I was still messing with sport bikes!
In 2004 I was ready for a cruiser so my ageing body could ride more miles.
The Kaw V2K was bike of the year, so off I went on an 8 year, 82,000 mile adventure filled with as many bike issues as fun times.
Big mistake not choosing the second place motor! My troubles ended in 2012 with Kong, my first Rocket III Roadster. Kong has over 80K miles and still sits in my garage; now as brother to YurMama, my Lush kissed second R3R. First time in all my years riding motor I have bought the same bike twice!
I got my first rocket in 06 kept that till 08 when I totalled it
Got a 08 touring and rode that till 2012 when I traded it for a ,12 victory crossroads then in 2016 I got another rocket which belonged to 64 herold aka Anthony some of y'all will remember him