I think he's just wondering how you felt the darkside tire took the joy out of riding. I'm curious too, if it's something you can put words too (some things are hard to explain).
I don't have darkside at the moment, but have clocked maybe 20k miles on them.
For me the only thing I didn't like is that you must have extra care pulling up to a stop (intersections, etc), being wary of uneven road surface. Due to the flat nature of the tire, if you come to a stop on a hump/bump which is off center, the bike will naturally want to tip the other way. Forcing you to be extra cautious.
Uneven road surfaces at slow speed and Stops have an effect on all tires.
Which is why we, as Motorcyclist, always try to avoid them. Am I wrong? Or do you aim for the ruts? Lol
Good insight, I've enjoyed the information myself. I have pulled 11,500 out of the Metz leaving nothing to spare. I'm wanting to sample the dark side for my own wisdom and a couple more miles down the road. Is there a specific car tire in anyone's thoughts?
Uneven road surfaces at slow speed and Stops have an effect on all tires.
Which is why we, as Motorcyclist, always try to avoid them. Am I wrong? Or do you aim for the ruts? Lol
Uneven road surfaces at slow speed and Stops have an effect on all tires.
Which is why we, as Motorcyclist, always try to avoid them. Am I wrong? Or do you aim for the ruts? Lol
I would expect that it might make it handle a little "quicker". The Rocket has a good bit of rake, the taller rear might effectively cut that down just a bit. Which is something I'd like.
Honestly, I don't hate the Darkside. First day or two I wasn't real happy, but with some time to get used to it and play with tire pressures I find it a lot better. Getting much more comfortable, don't think much about it after a week (700 miles or so). I'm probably going to stay with it. It isn't just cost that is a problem with short life, it's dealing with the time to yank the wheel and get it in to have the tire swapped, the need to plan ahead and stay on top of having a replacement around and scheduling long trips around tire life.
If you haven't done so yet, consider running a few psi below what the tire indicates. Makes all the difference in stiffness and the tire 'fighting' low speed turns.
Sell the bike if you can't afford to keep it roadworthy. Mileage from any tyre is variable and depends on how and where you ride. Accelerating less aggressively and maybe even starting in second gear will improve mileage. So far you seem to have only tried one of the things that make riding a Rocket less enjoyable.
Sorry, if you feel I was exaggerating. Got proof! Struthers motorcycle Des Moines Iowa. But truly took all the fun out of it trying to do it. It's a waste of a good bike to be that gentle that long!!