Loading TuneECU and Drivers onto my lap top guidance.


Sep 11, 2010
Brisbane South, Australia
2011 Roadster and 2001 Bonneville
My old lap top died and will not start up so I am in the process of loading Tune ECU onto my new lap top which has Windows 7.
It was about 4 years ago whien I first down loaded Tune ECU but this time I am experiencing some difficulty.
Do I have to down load the , Link to FTDI (D2XX) CDM DRIVERS. I cant seem to get this done.
TuneECU software 2.5.7 for Windows, download here from Tom's Server, I seem to have down loaded TuneECU software ok.
I have not tried connecting to the bike yet.
Appreciate any advice.
You go to the tuneecu.com site, to the downloads link, which you did. Now you have the 2.5.7 zip file. this is only the program which you must unzip into a folder callef perhaps tuneecu. Make a shotcut to the exe file on your desktop. Make a subfolder called drivers inside your tuneecu folder. Above the link to the program is a link to ftdi drivers. Look at the first one for windows and download the correct zip file (32 or 64 bit,depending what you have) into the drivers folder and unzip the drivers file. Then look down the downloads page to tools where you will see my drivers instruction sheet. Download that, then disconnect from the web and install the drivers according to the instructions
So, dougl, Hello. I'm so new, I shouldn't even call myself a "newbie". I'm even newer than that. I know nothing about "tunes" so far, but I need to.learn fast, cause I'll be doing it soon. From what I'm reading, it looks like the TuneECU software requires the correct "drivers" in order to work properly? Is that right? And, the determination of which drivers are appropriate depends on the software of the computer or cellphone you're using, and what its software is? I'm guessing there are instructions for all this? Up until now, I didn't know about the drivers. I thought all that was needed is the TuneECU software, and the right cable to connect. Now I have more to learn. Thanks...
The tuneecu program, the drivers for the cable, and the instruction sheet for loading the drivers, can be downloaded from tuneecu.com, as described in my post above.

Since you have said in a past post that you will be using the Android, that step will not be necessary.
Your Android will recognize it when you plug the cable into it. just follow the steps it asks you to..... That's why I said the Android is easier, even my dumb arse can use it

If you are using an Android device you need no drivers...just the app and the cable, and whatever tunes you select. Some if not all tunes come in a zip file which must be unzipped to reveal a hex file. The hex file should be placed in the TuneEcu folder or somewhere you can find it when you use the app to open the file. You may need an unzipping app...winzip is good one.
Thanks everyone. I know that TuneECU.com website is the gospel, but I've been on it a couple of times, looking around. It's not easy on the eyes. I'll go back to it, and wade through it again. I don't have my cable yet anyway, and it appears I also need an "OTG", Micro-USB converter. Thanks you all... Russell

The micro USB conv comes free with the cable from Lonelec
The micro USB conv comes free with the cable from Lonelec
No fooling? Really? That's great. Thank you. I was told, that the Micro-USB converter I need has to be "OTG" enabled. That's an acronym for "On The Go". That way, I can plug the Micro-USB converter into the battery charging port on my Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Pro Tablet computer, ( which is the only external plug-in port my tablet computer has )... Russell

I also have Samsung tab & got the cable/adapter from Lonelec

Diagnostic Interface for TuneECU Motorbikes