Little help with outlaw pipes please

You said you put in a new K&N filter, was that at the same time as the muffler? Did you apply the oil to the filter or possibly too much oil?

If I were you I'd also try removing the new slip on and letting the bike run with just the headers. If there's no black smoke then I'd say Dave is right and it's the oil in the pipes.
Hi Huffa and welcome to the forum ffrom a fellow Brit. Having had a set of dave pRatt pipes, I would recommend getting the bike Dyno tuned. Instructions state nothing needed as bike will sort itself! Not true! As @Nat67 has said, need to be careful with the tune. I had the bike tuned by a company fairly close to you - Dyno Tech, motorbike repair and tuning throughout Hampshire - the results were spectacular! Removing the OEM air filter arrangement would be of great benefit to the bike too!! Good luck and enjoy the forum
Hi Doce
Yeah I'm sure it's just oil in the pipes. Gonna give it a long run today to clear it.
Cheers for the advice
Thanks I'll give it a run today to see how it goes but I'll look into it cheers.
And yeah it's a great forum
If the bike was fitted with aftermarket tors , chances are it would already be running that tune ! Don't mess with the tune until you have ruled out positively definitely everything else .
Still had the CAT fitted with the tors and triumph said it was a different tune that they could do in 20 minutes but can't fit me in until September. I'm not worried about the smoke now, expecting that to clear up after about 50 miles. Do you think the CAT bypass or it being slightly out of tune would affect the idle? I've let it run a few times for 5/6 minutes. Sorry if these are stupid questions but I'm lost with intelligent engines. Beginning to wish it was a 2 stroke
Your local dealer is having you on . The cats on a 2014 roadster are in the pipes , which is why people fit the Tors. If your having problems with the idle and your making smoke , then you need to be looking at a tps , iscv check / reset ! Easily done with tune ecu . If these settings are all to buggery it will explain all problems you are having . If you have run the bike for 20 mins or so there would be nothing left to burn off . Besides , oil burns with blue smoke whereas an over rich mixture which would almost certainly be caused by base settings being awry , burns with black smoke !
When they fitted the tors they didn't change the cross piece. Think I'm going to give up with hugendon m40 triumph. It took 2 years for them to admit there was a hole in the rad got done under warranty in the end. Probably the cause of an overheating issue that damaged the paint on the engine. On the first service they put in a litre of oil too much which they admited and gave me a free tune on the tors for. Two cluches in three years probably down to my riding. First clutch price was about £250 the second about £1000 for investigating work!!! And don't ask about when I had a 675 Daytona.
Sorry getting carried away there lol

Sounds strange, mine ran lean, as expected, with the same combo. 12min auto correction calmed it down a bit but still popped on decel. I did not bother with a tune as she is now in for a filter elimination (K&N pods) and a PCV - its beyond my rudimentary skill set so the dealership is taking care of the fit and tune.


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