Lifts and jacks etc

Fully carpeted. Nice to lay on when I’m working on the bike, cos I don’t have a jack!
An Englishman with a French Fleur de Lis carpet. The Shame & Horror!!

And holy Gawd where do you live that you have to chain and lock your bike up inside your garage!
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An Englishman with a French Fleur de Lis carpet. The Shame & Horror!!

And holy Gawd where do you live that you have to chain and lock your bike up inside your garage!

Chains etc - Part of the insurance- and you didn’t see the locks on the door!!
I have a "Bike -Lift" brand lift. Don't think they still make them. Came from Italy I believe. Strongest lift I've ever seen. Then use a flat scissor jack for front or rear lift. Best money I have spent. Wish I had it when I was younger
I have to park my car up to garage door, put it's keys in a faraday bag. Then park the works van across the rear of my car. The bike is on a table chained to the bed. This in a country where my parents used to leave the back door unlocked.
Mate that is surprisingly common in the UK. You can't shoot the buggers although .............................. it does happen

Fence Charger -common in US for keeping livestock