Lifts and jacks etc

Correct me if I be wrong, but did not the OP also ask about what would NOT work???
Just sayin' . . .
Asking "not" is infinite, and would likely only garner a response of someone who particularly regretted a particular approach and has the interest to warn folks off.

What folks have done successfully is more definitive, and likely useful: Flipmeister, Becker-technik, shop scissor lifts, Eazy-Rider, various jacks with various adapters (none, blocks of wood, custom angle iron, Jack Be Quick - all searchable on this site.

Heck, the guy who changed my front suspension had a small hydraulic jack he used under the right side of the engine, lifting against the kick stand - inserted a block of wood -- and three point stable, low tech and no adapter needed.
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That is actually a good way, especially to remove wheels for new tires when "out in the field".
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I had the big blue lift for a while..hated it..very hard to use with r3 attachments..had to get down on your knees to line up the brackets..glad I sold I use the back half of jack b quick (you don't need the front part)..along with a j&s jack..very easy and don't even have to bend over..

In sailing we call that KISS