Had a dealer looking after my pajero 3.0v6 they made the car into an undrivable piece of crap after a euro 1000,- repair and told me that it was good for scraps. Really liked the car so had it sitting in the driveway for over a year thinking about what to do with it. Fellow came along asking if he could buy it, price was to high for him but he told me to check the spark plugs.
Found a workshop manual online and decided to see if i could do something about the car myself. Being the first ever try at something like this (other then a bicycle
) That was 100k km ago, still drive it. Checked all old invoices and found several mistakes in what they did to the car.
That was the last time any dealer touches a car or bike i own. Rather spend the money to buy tools and manuals and ask on forums like this then ever let them touch it again.
yes, I support buying tools and work by yourself rather than going to dealer but there is a catch,
Almost everything in new bikes rocket, hayabusa etc is programmed and serialized.
In Rockets everything must be programmed by Triumph dealer software which was a computer software up until 2020 named as TRITUN diagnostic software( i have it in my computer but it wont open anymore because its killed by triumph), you could do everything with that software but after 2020 they removed tritun software for computer, now Triumph diagnostic tool is online
you open a triumph website, login as dealer and diagnose, repair the bike from that website. I havent seen it in person but I spoke to dealer tech after tritun stopped working.
We can put quickshift, heated grips, change ABS modulator, by our-self, we can do labor work to install it but then dealer must program it so goes for rocket dash etc. etc.
There is not much we can do other than mechanical stuff on newer bikes unfortunately,
We are lucky to have rocket workshop manual out there else it would be a big mess working on this bike mechanically.
More features = more electronics = more point of failures.
Its a like a sweet poison, we dont want it but we want it.
@stingray Did you give a call to Triumph NorthAmerican Headquarter? not email, they never reply back.