Lemon Law Rockets

just my opinion
the imu is just a module that sends info to the ecu like the abs module or any other module.
so if the imu is giving incorrect signals to the ecu will not operate the abs correctly (abs limp mode)
i would say to get a triumph number and price it out @Ishrub
it may or may not need to be programed by dealer. so buying a used one might be a gamble but if the price is right i would try a used one.
looking at the parts diagram my first idea is to check if the special anti-rotation moulding, banjo (T2021607) is still fixed and/or the screw (T3331042) still fixed

To explain this: The IMU reads angles and acceleration/deceleration. It needs to be correctly placed and kept at that fixed position for the data to be correct. Having an IMU not providing correct information would point to it either not being fixed any more or a faulty IMU unit. Checking if it is really fixed or lose is imho the first step and again not that hard to do.
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A new bike under warranty, yeah. Oh and I need another fuel connection that broke and this and that.... So if I had the tools ,parts, and access to Triumph resources I guess I could have fixed it months ago. Like they should have. SMDH
Not anymore, unless it is part #34 which they don't list for sale separately. They integrated it into the abs motor assembly Triumph Part number T2021606 at $1583.75 new before shipping/taxes. Good luck finding a used one that works, the tiny vanes of contact are apt to bend or fail in a collision or wreck. Under the tank with every brake line attached.

Modulator, ABS, IMU, Wet
(Current price)$ 1,583.75
Frans, thanks for helping but I think that anti rotation clamp is just to keep the brake lines from turning. I'd think there might be a leak or rattle if that was loose. But using that line of thinking the bracket #7 or bolt #8 could be loose. Again no rattle or constant issue. This thing trips it's mind when you gas on it. Like a normal merge into traffic or a high speed pass kind of throttle. It doesn't trip going over rough road or riding except aggressively. Ride it like a girl and all is fine. I don't ride like that.
overtaking or high speed pass would indicate bike lean angle changes and/or hard acceleration, that is what the IMU is measuring. So if it behaves when riding like a girl the bike either stays within a certain lean angle range and/or acceleration range or the IMU does not move (which it should not). I would check the freeze data and see which of the measurements are off either angle or acceleration.

very likely you could even check the angle measured while standing still and leaning the bike.
Thanks Frans, I guess the dealer should check that too. Everything points to a faulty IMU, even the CEL codes. Maybe after New Years they'll take a look at it.
All I can say is ride the crap out of one before buying it. I wish I had and not babied it through recommended break-in. If it throws codes, don't walk away, RUN as fast as you can.
I guess the dealer should check that too.
Had a dealer looking after my pajero 3.0v6 they made the car into an undrivable piece of crap after a euro 1000,- repair and told me that it was good for scraps. Really liked the car so had it sitting in the driveway for over a year thinking about what to do with it. Fellow came along asking if he could buy it, price was to high for him but he told me to check the spark plugs.

Found a workshop manual online and decided to see if i could do something about the car myself. Being the first ever try at something like this (other then a bicycle ) That was 100k km ago, still drive it. Checked all old invoices and found several mistakes in what they did to the car.

That was the last time any dealer touches a car or bike i own. Rather spend the money to buy tools and manuals and ask on forums like this then ever let them touch it again.
I know the feeling. I do all my own maintenance except the required plugins. I fear some of these bikes are not up to the specifications advertised. How about that 0 to 60 time? Fuel range? Warranty? It's a joke on a $20,000 motorcycle. Don't waste your money. I picked up a KTM 1290 Super Duke GT that puts the new Rocket to shame. I regret spending the money on the mid controls and shift assist now. What a lemon.