Led turn signals

Received the second set of LED inserts.

The SuperBrites can be seen in this photo as a good two mm longer.

While they can be force fit in the housing, they press against the lens, and I have no confidence the lens will stay put in that condition.

The PROAUTO bulbs just fit, with no pressure.

Now I will follow @BigNorm 's lead and add the resistors.
I'll let you know if I lose a lens
Just for fun . . . installed two front turn signals, and so far, with NO added resistors, the turn signals are working fine.
Reactions: MIG

Doesn’t superbrightleds.com offer shorter bulbs of the same 1156 base?

1156 LED Bulb w/ Stock Cover - 36 SMD LED Tower - BA15S Base | Super Bright LEDs
I like that thought.

Could be -- my search skills are lacking and their web site is complicated (convoluted?).

The link you provided is red only.

The Touring has clear lenses and needs amber bulbs.

Ya, I didn’t search it long, but they have different sizes for all applications. Just hafta dig

I added clear lenses with the amber leds to mine