LED light addition-small but powerful

You'll find the Delphi plug is moulded into the light unit - It's not on wires.

Oops. I assumed it was like the three lamps I already have which all have the connector on a cable. Oh well, then you do need a connector to retrofit to the bike.
Some of us are giant steps below rocket science when it comes to electrical work!
The issue for us "Dummies" is how to get from the plug on the Evolution to the one on our motors?
And how to keep all this inside the can?
Do appreciate the operational graphic you attached!
Perhaps you may help us out on the connector mating?
Do appreciate the operational graphic you attached!
Perhaps you may help us out on the connector mating?
OKEY DOKE - But will be later - maybe late tomorrow - depends how much pain I am subjected to at the dentists in just under an hours time.
OK - No pain today.

Download the R3 manual - it has all the wiring diagrams in. RTFM.

Lets start with some basics. The first being that Speaker provide some detail on pin-outs. It's odd that they talk about wire colours in their "glossy" www.jwspeaker.com/products/led-headlights-model-8630-evolution/0549911/ but also say you need a plug and the photos show a moulded in connector.


Lets assume that somehow the pins are colour coded. If not it's going to be long and tedious process.

You need a Delphi 12052848 connector and some suitable terminals for it - If it were me I'd make sure you have spares. I'd say half a dozen more than you should need. Then again MAYBE these come with the lights (would explain the wire colours).

Next - Decision - Adapt existing harness OR make a new one?

If adapt - cut off the pilot bulb holder and H4 bulb socket as close to the end as possible so you get as much wire as poss'.

If New -

Then either reuse the Triumph connector under the tank
or get one similar
Both use bog standard 2.8mm blade terminals as in second picture.

I got mine here http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/section.php/158/1/mini-2-8mm-multi-connectors

Get 4 lengths of wire (per light) - 60cms (2') long. Err on the long side as the originals at this length and are NOT generous. Now it's up to you but I'd get 4 different colours - either use the Triumph colours (if you can find them - they're odd two tone wires for Main and Dip.)

or use the Speaker colours (just makes it easy to remember - )

Yellow Wire Low Beam
White Wire High Beam
Black Wire Ground
Red Wire Front Position
Purple Wire DRL

You'll also need some wire sheathing.

From the info found at MobileCentre (UK distributor) You will not need to use DRL AND POSITION UNLESS you intend to ride with JUST the DRL (i.e. no rear position light) as is allowed for cars. This depends on all sorts of legal issues - I'd suggest you just wire the position in. From what's out there; position or DRL - They'll dim once main or dip is active. I'd play with both just in case - but I am (just ever so slightly) obsessive.

Now all you have to do is make up the 4 bits of wire - plug them into the correct holes in each plug and Robert's your Auntie's live in lover.

If this is beyond you: then - humbly - I suggest you get in touch with a mate who understands - buy him a beer and let him do it. That or explain your problem to Ecosse and let him make you a loom up with the on/off switch etc in.

I've been doing this for as long as I can remember - I've owned Guzzis since I had a bike licence. So it's second nature plus I pretty much eat/sleap/breathe anything to do with Physics - it's my drug of choice.

When you have the **** things feel free to ask "dumb" questions. THERE ARE NO DUMB QUESTIONS. It takes intelligence to realise you do not understand. There are however VERY OFTEN SOME REALLY DUMB ANSWERS.
AWESOME explanation!
Your pix did not come through for me???
I saved it for future reference.
Clicking the missing images does load them in a new window. Something hinky with the thumbnails only.
The 8630 Evo's have arrived. Pics to be uploaded tomorrow.

The Delphi connector is on the headlight shell only. The other end of the cable is a standard H4. Whew.

The position and DRL leads are separate.

Pulled the stock headlights and did a position check with the 8630. Fits perfect. There is no room whatsoever for making the H4 connection inside the shell so it will have to be run back under the tank. More details tomorrow.
Ahh, so they come with a converter cable. That's a solid upgrade then, having permanently mounted cables on the headlight doesn't leave you anywhere to go if you get cable damage right by the headlight shell or something. Now I wish my 8700 had the connector.