Digital, luminescent or thermal?. Goggles with DEP gated XR5 tubes (starlight grade) - who needs lights!

heh heh heh
Sorry if I was loquacious and perhaps sounded like a wise ass - was not my intent. I just feel it is important to differentiate that the amount of light cast forward is not the final word regarding what distances in a particular light pattern a rider can or cannot actually see an animal or object in the real world.
Been looking at LED lights too http://www.rigidindustries.com/

Hey my friend.
These look pretty nice. Their site at least shows a light pattern for their Dually LED Spot. Interesting to me is that their chart depicts a reach of 442 meters at .25 lux; however, the human eye doesn't start to discern and recognize objects at about 3 lux. On the chart, this distance is about 150 meters. This is like 480 feet and pretty **** good IMHO - if it is true. For example if you saw a hazard 480 feet away at 60mph, that would give you a little over 5 seconds to stop or avoid. Would take you about 2.5 sec to perceive and respond then another 3.5 to come to a stop. Avoiding would likely be more doable, if there was no other traffic. Then again oncoming headlights would seriously reduce that 480 feet exacerbating the whole issue.

I assume the chart specs are for a single light - two would be the way to go. I wonder why the pattern chart specs for the spot are the same as for the flood?
blah blah blah
These look pretty nice. Their site at least shows a light pattern for their Dually LED Spot.
Again - look at the reflectors (or in this case lenses) - Simple Conical emission. Led in the middle. For that type of light - I'd go on-line in E-Bay or Alibaba and buy direct from china (Taiwan better) for about 30bucks a pop. Or make your own using "tactical" torches - 25bucks each tops from Singapore.

It's why I like the Trucklite and Speaker stuff - And to some extent the NEW PIAA - they've thought about where the light needs to be. They use the led to get light onto the road - Speaker publishes their beam charts and are also honest about the TRUE vs RAW lumens output. On paper Trucklites would appear less - but the light goes where it's needed.

I have some Chinese 2" 10W (single 10w led - CREE XM-L T6) lights on my 4*4. Two are 45º and two are 25º dispersion.
Excellent as main beam backup as they light the middle and fore ground - but they also light up the treetops.
On my back roads this is fun as the trees (evergreen oaks) gave a sort of silver component in the green leaves - that shines back
Cant use them on low beam as they blind other road users. I annoys me when folk do so - so I don't.
I have the Dually HD LED Light on my flag pole put the other one up in a tree with the light going down both look great at night.
Gray Beard,
I be electronically challenged and envy your ability to build your own lights. Obviously smarts can save you money.
The Dually HD LED skydog speaks of are 20 degrees if I remember correctly. Can you illuminate me why the specs are the same for a "spot" and a "flood" style light?
I looked up those Cree you mentioned - they have way more spec data than I can understand. I guess insuring the light package one is shopping contains thay Cree XM-L T6 is what us mortals should do.
Appreciate all the dope, Amigo.
PS: Hey skydog, I see those Dually come in colors as well - might look good in your tree.
Righto barbagris, you've dobbed yourself in as the lighting guru so....... where the **** were you when i was buying my lights? lol.

Tell me mate, can you have a squiz at my driving lights http://www.piaa.com/store/p/140-1100-LED-Motorcycle-Driving-Lamp-Kit.aspx
do you reckon these are as good as what the speakers would be? Obviously as you know im running the speakers as my main lights but married them with these PIAA's. Dont be polite, if you reckon the speakers are better tell me. Im happy with these but like anything you dont know what you are missing until you see it.

Cheers mate
I actually rather like your PIAA lights. BUT it depends what you want?.

The PIAA's are neat and small.If they had €-rating I'd have been tempted to use them as HIGH BEAM supplements.
I've not seen them first hand - but I'll guess they give a strong close up light and have not cut off.
They don't quote lumens etc so it's hard to say. Watts does not always Lumens.
For simple conical beam lights - I'd make them or buy from china.

The Speakers FOG lights designed with a cut off so you can use them where a dipped beam is necessary. imo the OLDER Speaker fogs have an advantage if you want to mount alongside the headlamps - as their mounting options are more flexible. But they're A LOT MORE expensive.

I'm a bit constrained by this bloody €-mark thing. I'd very much like to test a set of Trucklight Phase 7's - and there is a rumour of a Phase 8. But so far no €-mark. Only SAE/DOT - MUCH cheaper than Speaker.

Light colour on the PIAA's at 6300K is getting as blue as I'd want, but fine. I prefer 5000K colour temp's. Whiter - close to daylight. 4300K is about as orangey as I'd want to go.

And you beat me to the Speakers! - Just

LED's are the future of lighting and it keeps changing at the mo'.

As for Spot vs Flood - simple angle of dispersion. Same LEDs etc just focussed differently.

Flood - Nominally 60º-30º dispersion : Driving/Spot 30º-15º - under 10 normally called PENCIL BEAMS. - 0º are LASERs, and they're fun!
So - I knocked up this composite to scale that shows the beam spreads of the JW-Speaker 8630 main and dip plus the old and new Speaker Fogs.
So - I knocked up this composite to scale that shows the beam spreads of the JW-Speaker 8630 main and dip plus the old and new Speaker Fogs.

First - Thanks mucho for all the poop.
I thought that given the same luminous flux for the source, the narrower the beam, the farther it reaches.
Assuming those patterns are to scale - Do you have any distance and lux numbers that correspond to those patterns?