I too have JWSpeakers the same as Chris and they are great I already had some little Cree spots which complimented the JW Speakers but I have now also fitted a set of 4 inch HID driving spots which give so much more distance of daylight like lighting I nearly need to wear sunglasses when on Hi beam
I should add if I didn't live in an area infested with our furry bouncy critters (read kangaroos) and often ride at night the J W Speakers would be all I need as they are an amazing up grade from the Std twin halogen light fitted to the bike as std
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Would you guys say both main beams ought to be replaced or just one of them? Those TL Phase 7's look the biz...but even they are darn expensive for 2 main beam replacements
Would you guys say both main beams ought to be replaced or just one of them? Those TL Phase 7's look the biz...but even they are darn expensive for 2 main beam replacements
The TL Phase 7 is ONLY available as a 7" unit - i.e it WILL NOT FIT roadsters etc.

Also NOT €-rated (yet). I say YET as the new Harley Daymaker with €-rating looks lick the Phase7.
Also DO NOT EXPECT the upgrade to be a simple "drop-in" on the 5&3/4" units - the Triumph shells are smallish.

imo If you're going to do it - DO IT.

So many folk will happily spend LARGE sums of money for extra power they'll probably hardly ever use.
And then find they cant use what came stock at night anyway because the lights are dim.
The OEM Triumph reflectors are CRAP. My first night outing scared me stupid - hence the upgrades.

UK GUYS - http://www.mobilecentre.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=120_231&products_id=350
Thanks for the info, much appreciated

I've tried a couple of night rides and it's okay with full beam on but dipped the headlights are absolutely ****....I really would love some lights that allow me to hit B roads at night....maybe I'll start with some spots once I get my highway bars and take it from there...

Those J W Speaker lights do look rather tasty! £780 for new lights is a lot though....
the JW's are cheap for what they do and what they are. Save up and do it, you wont ever regret it.
If you want to improve DIP performance with add-on lights - FIT FOG LAMPS.

I'd STRONGLY recommend against Triumphs Fog-Lamps - they're less than brilliant - I converted mine to LED as well as they were pushing the alternator to the limit with Halogen headlights. I use them more as DRL's. I modified another set as LONG RANGE - very narrow beam.

If you're registerred on the other R3 (dot com) site then here are some pictures.

I would however urge you to fit the Fogs higher and further forward than engine bars - otherwise a lot of light will end up lighting the front wheel. Either side of the headlights is ideal.

Speaker have launched some new ones - cheaper,smaller and brighter than their original fogs - with the "downside" they're 12V only. It's a downside for industrial users - not for us.

They're "sort of" on my list.

I Like the PIAA LED addons that ponters has on his R3 - but not €-approved.
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You need to post some pictures when you get a chance.