Riding Motor Since 1950
MPH obviously. Downrange is a bit moot in bendy roads. It's why (imo) the adaptive make such a difference. And ime when you can use the extra "range" the Adaptives on Main are really stunning too.
They offer (for me) one particularly important advantage - they are designed for both left and right hand traffic use without discrimination. This matters when I travel to the UK. Only folk who have had to drive on the Right with Left handed dips (or visa versa) will understand this.
With non adaptive lights you (as you know) actually see less in corners than a car driver does. Adaptive redress this balance and then adds some.
They have one HUGE disadvantage (to your bank balance) - once you have ridden with them you will want adaptive lights in every other vehicle you have - even a beaten up 24 year old Landrover Discovery that is happiest at 50-55mph.
I'll admit I would like to adds some longer range lights for trips across unlit open areas like the new Forest in the UK - but I have run out of space to mount stuff. You know I am not going to fit something teensy wheensy. But then I may run out of Alternator amps too.
Get yourself a locomotive light!