led gear indicator

GI-Pro gear position indicator and TRE

It's done! Works great, how did I ever live without one? The Timing Retard Eliminator (TRE) works as well if not better than the resistor mod. If you decide to use that feature, there are several settings including "off", "1-3" or " 2-3 eliminated".
I pondered over where to put the display for quite awhile, that's the most time consuming part of the installation. I finally settled on removing the chrome plastic that covers the mounting screws for the gauges and using the supplied velcro. It won't quite fit between the gauges with the cover in place, so by taking it off the GIPro display fits into the opening left exposed.
The only other tricky part is finding the factory plug for the wiring (if you didn't already do the resistor mod prior). FYI it's the top plug on the metal bracket found dirrectly behind the plastic trim below the left rear of the fuel tank (the one with the alternate ignition switch bung-hole & plug, held in place by two torx screws) I put a cig lighter in that hole. The whole set up is 1st class and top quality (should be for the money), it's easy to program the degree of timing retard you want to eliminate in 1-3 gears and how bright you want the display. Sorry about the picture quality, there was pocket fuzz on the cell phone lens.


Thanks for the update. Looks like the wifey is going to have to put on the blue jacket and practice saying "Welcome to Wal Mart" part time. I can see one in my future.
So, is it plug and play simple?
what about the unleashing the hp in all gears?
Work like it says?
Beings all I got is a PC 111,
Is it worth the money?

Thanks for the update. Looks like the wifey is going to have to put on the blue jacket and practice saying "Welcome to Wal Mart" part time. I can see one in my future.

Ya know Brit ... it even comes in blue too.

Skip, it is plug and play, it helps unlock the 7% power reduction in the lower gears as far as the ignition timing goes. The secondaries (remove 'em) and fuel mixture (PCII or tuneboy) are the other parts of the puzzle. Is it worth the money? ... the quality is superb, very well made, well thought out and simple to install and operate. I think it's worth every cent, I honestly don't know how I was enjoying the ride without it, no more feeling like a spaz trying to shift into that phantom 6th gear.
I too have a PCIII, tuned for D&D's and K&N triple filters. The throttle body secondaries are also removed (I really think removing them gave me the biggest HP increase) and DID have the resistor mod. I removed the resistor and put it back stock prior to installing the GI-Pro, the Pro does the same thing as the mod but is much more adjustable. It allows for degrees of retard removal rather than just taking it totally out. There are 3 choices of timing- Mild/Moderate/Hard, I started with Hard (3) but went to Moderate (2) and it feels stronger. I assume that there was some detonation with it totally removed and Moderate (2) allows for slight retardation in gears 1-3. So, while completely eliminating the timing control was an improvement, it performs even better with a little left in. [the settings are (-) stock, (1) 1-3 mild, (2) 1-3 moderate, (3) 1-3 hard and (4) 2-3 hard]

Skip, you said you have the PCIII ... what tune do you have installed and what other things have you done? Still have the secondaries? Any filter upgrades? I can tell you that what I have done makes the bike SCARY! She wheelies by just rolling on the throttle in 1st gear ... THAT must be the very reason for Triumph to do the 7% power reduction in the lower gears. Punching it without ALWAYS being prepared for what comes next could definately get you killed, so be careful.

Bottom line on "bang for your buck" would, in my opinion have to be (do together) ...
1) remove secondaries (Install PCIII at the same time as secondaries and exhaust to richen leaned out fuel mixture)
2) freeflow exhaust (I went with the D&D's for the price and the weight savings)
3) PCIII (tuneboy if you need more control/fuss involved with software tuning)
4) GI-Pro or at least the resistor mod
5) K&N triple filters (w/filters for crankcase and air temp sensor) "this does make the intake noise much more pronounced"

These mods/upgrades have almost overpowered the clutch, any more and It will need a lockup clutch. You can feel it straining ... it's not slipping quite yet, but it just has that "feeling" like it's getting ready let go.
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NIce write up. Thanks for the info. Its tests like this that help make decisions. At least ones you can feel good about!

I've got the triple K&N's (not installed yet)
PC3 with k&n and D&D tune (not installed yet)
Waitting till I take possession of my Mad Dogs.
Haven't removed the secondaries yet either,
Kinda looking for a decent overflow bottle before I tear all that crap out.
So in essence, my bike is still stock with some "minor" mods to the look of it.
I left my overflow tank right where it is. I had read that guys were moving it and I don't know why. Why? do you know? I guess thats the one I haven't asked yet, was never an issue so I guess I forgot about it.
Something that crossed my mind while riding home today ... If I had actually ridden/heard a rocket with triple filters, I honestly don't think I would have done it. 40 miles without a helmet and sitting behind the new windscreen made me realize that the chirping, knocking and valve noise is obnoxious. I'm seriously considering putting the air plenum back on and just using the stock (K&N) filter and box. If I go back I'll let you know if there was any serious difference in performance. If there is not a substantial gain, I wouldn't do it ... the noise is awful.
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I pulled the baffles out of the D&D's ... intake noise problem solved!