led gear indicator

midget sex sexy midgets

ok, sorry skip... i tried.. i really did but i just have to try this trackback....
midget sex
sexy midgets
i feel so dirty now :D
I can't count to 5. Nor, remember to reset my turn signals..... hell, I still look for a kick starter every time I first get on a bike. My age is showing. Count me in for one when you get 'em ready.
LCD or LED? I can imagine the latter being as much of a distraction as the orange or is it yellow low fuel LED. It's not much of an issue except at night and is quickly extinguished with a fill up. A bank of 5 LEDs for gear position would have to be thought through. The 1st and 5th gear being differentiated from the other three might work in a mini-miniature unobtrusive black housing. Possibly green bounded by blue? Neither of these are glaring at night. An LCD indicator might be short lived as a result of too much vibration?

I occasionally look for a taller gear. And I've stalled in 2nd on launching a few times. In between, RPM and sound keep me in touch with where I am.
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Speaking of taller gears, I find myself reaching for a "6th" gear. The motor feels like it would could pull a higher final ratio. Any input re: possible changes, pros, cons , etc?
Hey skip,
Hows the prototype coming? Any pics yet. Not that Im pressuring you or anything but.................New gadgets are like crack !!!!! especially when they're shiny !!!!:p:p
